Thursday, April 10, 2008

JDBC : Easy Steps

hi all,
this is a sample program to show the jdbc connectivity( very simple and limited scopes but enough to create any program using jdbc)

Connection conn;
String driver = "";
String url = "xxx:XXX:xxx"; // remember the colon here
// url contains the database name

// loading the driver

// creating a connection
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
String query = "xxxxxxx";

ResultSet result = null;

* different queries need different methods to be executed

* in case of select
* result = stmt.executeQuery(query);

* in case of insert, update, delete
* stmt.executeUpdate(query);

// Like if we use select query
result = stmt.executeQuery(query);

// initially curson is set before first row of the result
// so we need to make it at the desired row;
// we can use result.first() to get it at first row or result.last() to get it at the
// last row

String str = result.getString("attribute-name");

// finally

this was the very basic tute to implement jdbc.
if u want more then use javadocs.

Ravi Kumar Gupta ~A.K.A~ "D'Maverick"

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