Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hide/Unhide Files with and without registry

if you know the directory of that file..
then go to that directory through command prompt and then use
attrib -r -s -h foldername-filename

foldername-filename.. wtever is hidden. if a folder is to be unhidden
type its name otherwise name of a hidden file..

if u dont know the name of tht folder or file then after
attrib -r -s -h
press tab key.. it will show u one name; if that is desired then u got
that otherwise keep pressing the tab key.

also if u want to hide
attrib +r +s +h filenameORfoldername

this was without registry
change the value to 1

try playing with that


1 comment:

  1. genius.. allowed me to unhide malware files and delete the shit out of them.. thanks!


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