Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Internet FAQ from 2085


Sent to you by Ravi Kumar Gupta ~A.K.A~ "D'Maverick" via Google Reader:


via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 5/20/08

What was the internet?

The internet and the world web was a computing system to transfer human information. Scientists have based its beginning to the years 1920 to 1940.

What was electromail?

Electromail was another transport protocol to transfer human information, but it was quickly discontinued as it caused misunderstandings due to lack of correctly representing emotions.

What were world web sites?

A so-called world web site consisted of an address of its owner to locate their physical business location, as well as other miscellaneous transmitting of human information that was considered important at the time. The protocol used to decode the information was called hypertext, and as its standards changed quickly over the years, it is impossible to decode most of the information contained within.

I noticed the word "NSFW" in a world web sites museum displaying hypertext reproductions. What does it mean?

Scientific research at the late Mars Research Laboratory came to the conclusion that NSFW announced the display of a widely popular human called Britneyspears in the 1970s. Why warnings were issued before the viewing of this human is unclear.

Did the world web have version numbers?

Yes. In the beginning, the world web was numbered from 1 to 10, with most people considering world web 8 to be the first stable release. Afterwards, the world web received code names for each new version, like "Omega Sun" or the popular "Happy Happy Rabbit" release.

A picture showing the internet. It is unclear what it depicts.

Who controlled the internet?

The internet was controlled by the governments, then for a brief period by personal humans all over the world, and then again by the governments. The intermittent period of personal human control was subsequently named the internet dark age as it incited to unlawful behavior.

What alternative information transfer technologies accompanied the internet?

The internet was only one of many transfer technologies. Equally popular at the time were the Ipod, also called Phone, a device to record and emit copies of the human voice, as well as the so-called Pongmachine which showed an animated bright shape on a dark background.

What was the Googlecom?

The Googlecom was a government-supervised computerized mechanism for human information storage and retrieval. It subsequently became integrated into the Universal Intelligence in around 2035.

Did the internet help the birth of the Universal Intelligence?

It is believed that the internet was an important mechanism to copy, spread and advance the ancestor of the Universal Intelligence. While the human civilization host system was unstable, progress was quickly reached after the invention of self-developing computerized intelligence machinery.

What was the Worldthought, the Netlink, and the Civilitron?

This FAQ only deals with planet number 5010; for the early computing systems of other planets, please refer to FAQs number 1 - 10000.

How long did humans take to invent the internet?

Scientific research believes that humans took around 150,000 years to build the internet and the world web as well as electromail. To explain the delay, it is believed that a human brain needed around 20 seconds to calculate an expression like 12 * 390, whereas it was incapable of calculating expressions like 12 * 3903829. Other inhabitants of the planet such as Bonobo Apes or the Arrowtooth Eel are believed to have had higher brain capacities, but no intent to build the internet.

Which entities were most popular on the internet?

While early hypertext storage can only be vaguely decoded, scientific research believes that from 1970 to 1999, the most popular entity on the internet was Britneyspears; from 2000 to 2020, it was Pleaseclickhere; from 2021 to 2030, it was the Mechabot100 release.

When did the internet end?

The internet ended with the end of planet number 5010, which is widely attributed to the fact that humans were using transportation facilities called autocars which only used around 1/5th of their transportation storage capacity, causing the planet to overheat. Copies of the internet are available in other systems though so you can read the archive at anytime.

I am interested to find out more about humans, where can I see them?

You can find representative entities of the human species in most local zoos. Visitors of model version 4.55 and lower receive special discounts; while the brain of humans is likely incapable of experiencing pain, please do not feed or break them.

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: The Internet FAQ from 2085 | Comments]

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Google Sites

hello frnds,
check it out..

Ravi Kr. Gupta

Getting alerts when Java processes crash

Hello frnds
this article is taken from a blog :

Getting alerts when Java processes crash

When bugs occur in the Java runtime environment, most administrators want to get notified so they can take corrective action. These actions can range from restarting a Java process, collecting postmortem data or calling in application support personnel to debug the situation further. The Java runtime has a number of useful options that can be used for this purpose. The first option is "-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError", which allows a command to be run when the runtime environment incurs an out of memory condition. When this option is combined with the logger command line utility:

$ java -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="logger Java process %p encountered an OOM condition" …

Syslog entries similar to the following will be generated each time an OOM event occurs:

Jan 21 19:59:17 nevadadev root: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] Java process 19001 encountered an OOM condition

Another super useful option is "-XX:OnError", which allows a command to be run when the runtime environment incurs a fatal error (i.e., a hard crash). When this option is combined with the logger utility:

$ java -XX:OnError="logger -p Java process %p encountered a fatal condition" …

Syslog entries similar to the following will be generated when a fatal event occurs:

Jan 21 19:52:17 nevadadev root: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] Java process 19004 encountered a fatal condition

The options above allow you to run one or more commands when these errors are encountered, so you could chain together a postmortem debugging tool, a utility (logger or mail) to generate alerts, and a restarter script to start a new Java process (this assumes you aren't using SMF). Nice!

Thanks "matty"
Ravi Kr. Gupta

Create your own Zip Utility using Java

Hello frnds,
One more reference for me as well as for you also...
This is a program to create a zip file using Java.


 * @author Ravi
public class Zip {
static Vector listFiles = new Vector();
String pathname = "";
public Zip() {
        try {
            File fZipped = new File("D:/");
            ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fZipped)));
            BufferedInputStream in = null;
            byte data[] = new byte[1000];
            String temp = "D:/ToDoList-CS";
            File ff = new File(temp);
            if (ff.isDirectory()) {
                pathname = ff.getAbsolutePath();
            } else {
                pathname =  ff.getParent();
            System.out.println("Path is " + pathname);
            getList(temp); // stores a list of all files in a vector
            ZipEntry entry;
            for (int i = 0; i < listFiles.size(); i++) {
                entry = new ZipEntry(listFiles.get(i).toString());
                System.out.println("Entry is " + entry.toString());
                File f = new File(listFiles.get(i).toString());
                if (f.isFile()) {
                    in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(pathname + "/" + listFiles.get(i).toString()));
                    int count = 0;
                    while ((count =, 0, 1000)) != -1) {

        } catch (Exception e) {

 public void getList(String path) {
        File toList = new File(path);
        File list[] = toList.listFiles();
        for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            String temp = ((list[i].getAbsolutePath()).substring(pathname.length() + 1));
            String temp2 = "";
            for (int j = 0; j < temp.length(); j++) {
                char c = temp.charAt(j);
                if (c == '\\') {
                    c = '/';
                temp2 += c;
            if (list[i].isDirectory()) {
                temp2 += "/";
            } else {
            if (list[i].isDirectory()) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Zip();

Note: Program is not optimized..

Ravi Kr. Gupta

Saturday, May 17, 2008


hello frnds,
The registrations to The Great Mind Challenge 2008 contest are open NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The portal will remain open for registration for a limited period only.  

Please log on to

Best Wishes
Ravi Kr. Gupta

Monday, May 12, 2008

Google Ends Hello

Source : Google Blogoscoped


Sent to you by Ravi Kumar Gupta ~A.K.A~ "D'Maverick" via Google Reader:


via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 5/8/08

Google is shutting down Hello, Picasa's photo sharing service which was part of the Picasa acquisition back in 2004. On the program, Wikipedia writes:

<<Hello by Google's Picasa is [was] a free computer program that allows users to send images across the Internet and publish them to their blogs. It is similar to an instant messaging program because one can send text, but Hello focuses on digital photographs.>>

I made a copy of Hello's old homepage and their "how it works" page* as the site is now just displaying the following message:

<<All good things come to an end. So it is with sadness that we say goodbye to Hello.

Hello will be shut down on May 15th.

We originally embarked on a mission to make photo sharing easier and more fun with Hello. We plan to keep carrying that torch in new projects to come.

We hope that you continue to enjoy the other sharing products Google offers including Picasa, Picasa Web Albums and Google Talk.>>

Wonder what Google aims to do with this neat domain name now?

[Thanks Rob!]

*I removed scripting from the cached pages.

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google Ends Hello | Comments]

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Friday, May 2, 2008

[Registry] Get rid of recycle bin

How to remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop

If  using XP Pro




On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.


If using XP Home

Either use TweakUI or make the change manually in the registry.

Create or modify the following registry entry





Source : TweakXP
Ravi Kr. Gupta aka D'Maverick

Thursday, May 1, 2008

[Registry] Application Path and Their Uninstallers

hi frnds,
this is a registry path where all the programs main application paths are stored..
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths

and this is the location where uninstaller information is placed..


Ravi Kr. Gupta
Lnmiit, Jaipur